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 If you click here, you can find out for yourself, how much do you take from the nature..

 At our last tea time we shared some information about our activities in terms of saving  the environment. 

1. Reduce, reuse, recycle

Recycle your rubbish, find out how it is been taken and collected at your area, if it is needed then take them to a recycle point. Collect the plastic, paper, metal and glass separately. Teach your children about its importance

2. Organize a community cleanup

Whether it's at your kids' school, a neighborhood park, along a hiking trail or someplace else in your community, get your family involved in a community cleanup effort on Earth Day. Enlist your friends and advertise the cleanup effort locally to encourage others to join in your efforts.

3. Plant something

For kids who love to play in the dirt, gardening is a natural fit. Get your kids involved in planting shrubs, a tree, flowers, vegetables or other plants in your yard. If you choose something like shrubs or a tree, they'll stick around year after year to remind you of your Earth Day efforts (with proper care, of course).

4. Park the family car

If you have a car, consider walking, biking or taking public transportation where possible on Earth Day. If you must drive, take shorter or fewer trips and make sure you're getting the best mileageyou can out of your car by taking steps such as properly inflating the tires.

5. Curb your electricity use

Reduce your electricity use for the day. Turn off the lights, fans, television, computer and other electronics on Earth Day.

If the weather is nice, turn off your heating or air conditioning and open up the windows. If it's too hot to open your windows, make sure to lower your blinds when the sun comes up and replace your air conditioner's filter if you haven't done so recently.

Opt for candles at night instead of electric lights. If you need to clean up, choose a broom rather than a vacuum. Read your kids an eco-friendly book rather than letting them watch television.


6. Make a kompost

Collect your kitchen waste - fruits vegetables - ash, grass cuttings and make a kompost in the garden. Use this for your window-boxes. 

7. Save water

Check your home for leaky faucets. If you don't already do so, encourage everyone to turn off the water while brushing their teeth and washing their faces and hands. See who can take the fastest shower (and still get clean). Use a broom rather than a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk.

8. Donate or swap things you don't need

Recycle toys, clothes and other household items you're no longer using by donating them. You can also collect donations or arrange a community swap event where kids bring their old toys and books to trade.

9. Install houses or feeders for wildlife

Install houses for birds, bats or other wildlife in your yard or set up a feeder for birds. To get your kids into the act, consider having them build or decorate the birdhouse or make the feeder.

To create a simple feeder, all you need is a pinecone, some string, peanut butter or lard, and some bird food such as seeds, oats, corn meal or nuts. Just smear the peanut butter or lard on the pinecone, roll it in the bird food, and hang the pinecone outside.

Useful words:

Words, not relating to this topic but were mentioned:
pack - falka, housetrained - szobatiszta, leash - póráz (vezető), collar - nyakörv, solitaire - magányos, teathing - fozgzás, stationary - papírárú, irodaszer, soft toy - plüss állatka, 


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